MBFC celebrated FY2023 with an Annual Membership Meeting on Wednesday, October 25th, in Central Minnesota. The corporation turned 40 years old and proudly celebrated our longstanding MBFC history with members and honored guests!
We thank our Board of Directors, Membership, Lenders, Economic Developers, and Government Officials for your continued partnership and encouraging support! It’s exciting to share our FY2023 results and mission of continuing to help small business growth and expansion with all attendees.
(Pictured: Nadene Kruize, SVP-MBFC, Shelly Kegley, SVP- Bell Bank, Pam Burnside, VP-MBFC, and Tom Saehr, Pres.-MBFC)
We are proud to announce that Shelly Kegley,
Senior Vice President of Bell Bank, of West Fargo, ND
is our FY2023 Lender of the Year!
This award is based on accrued SBA 504 Loan Volume! Shelly works with Pam Burnside, Vice President of MBFC – North Dakota Division. As MBFC’s Lender of the Year, she’s awarded a trip to accompany us to NADCO’s Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas, in November of 2024.
A special thank you to Brian McDonald, SBA MN District Director and Dan Schmidt, SBA MN District Lender Relations Specialist, for attending and your kind words and continued support of MBFC!
(Pictured: Nadene Kruize, SVP-MBFC, Dan Schmit, LRS-SBA MN DO, Tom Saehr, Pres.-MBFC, Brian McDonald, District Director-SBA MN DO)