MBFC held their Annual Membership Meeting on Thursday, October 28th to celebrate a record breaking year of SBA 504 success! The company was highlighted by the SBA Minnesota District Office in September for being the Certified Development Company of the year for 2021 based on number and dollars of SBA 504 loans in Minnesota.

MBFC is excited to announce that the Lender of the Year is Bruce Kennedy of RiverWood Bank. Bruce had the highest SBA 504 loan dollars approved by SBA in FY2021 and is awarded a trip to accompany MBFC to the NADCO Annual Meeting in 2022.

MBFC Lender of the Year
Bruce Kennedy
RiverWood Bank

Recognition was given to outgoing MBFC Board Member, Jason Murray, Chairman MBFC Board of Directors and Marty Mixell, Secretary of the MBFC Board of Directors. Jason and Marty have served full board terms and were recognized for their support of MBFC, the SBA 504 loan program, and their contributions to the organizations success.

FY2021 Outgoing Board Director
Jason Murray, Associate
David Drown & Associates


Other highlights of the meeting included guest Dan Schmit, Lender Relations Specialist of the SBA Minnesota District Office. Dan spoke about the overall results of SBA programs in Minnesota and general small business successes throughout the last year.  King Banaian, Dean of the School of Public Affairs at SCSU, spoke regarding the regional economy, research about the job workforce, and import issues facing small businesses.

A special thank you to our Membership, Board of Directors, Lenders and Economic Development professionals for your continued support and dedication to MBFC!

For more information about the SBA 504 Refinance benefits, or additional questions, contact your MBFC Business Development Officer today!