(Pictured: Nancy Libersky, District Director of MN SBA District Office, Nadene Kruize, Senior Vice President of MBFC, Tom Saehr, President & CEO of MBFC, Robert Scott, SBA Regional Administrator)
Thursday, September 6, 2018 Minnesota Business Finance Corporation (MBFC) was recognized as the Top Certified Development Company (CDC) in Minnesota based on SBA 504 loan volume at the 6th Annual Minnesota SBA Lenders Conference.
Nancy Libersky, District Director of the MN SBA District Office and Robert Scott, Regional Administrator for the SBA’s Great Lakes Region congratulated MBFC and presented Tom Saehr, President & CEO and Nadene Kruize, Senior Vice President with the award honoring MBFC’s 2018 accomplishments.
This is the fourth consecutive year MBFC has received this award from the MN SBA District Office. MBFC is consistently ranked in the Top 20 of the 200+ CDC’s in the Nation and is honored to receive this prestigious award.
Thank you to our Lending Partners and
Small Business Borrowers for making
MBFC the #1 CDC in Minnesota!
MBFC’s “Money Tree” winners at our exhibitors table drawing!
- Brandi Nelson, VP/Manager of SBA Lending from Falcon National Bank, St. Cloud
- Greg Hohlen, Senior VP/SBA Specialist Commercial Loan Officer, Minnwest Bank, St. Cloud, MN.
Thank you to all who entered to win.